
St. Paul's American Legion Post 145


Want information about our Post? Please contact us. We will make every effort to respond to you as soon as possible.

E-mail Us: adjutant145@yahoo.com or adjutant@stpaulsamericanlegionpost145.org

Telephone Us with your inquiries:  843-889-8090

Visit our Post: 6328A, Highway 162, Hollywood, SC 29449

Attend a Monthly Business Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of each month, 1900-2000. The meeting is preceded by dinner from 1800-1900. Coffee is free, dinner is a requested $6 donation toward Veteran Support activities.

Attend a Friday Coffee/Breakfast: 0800-0930 every Friday. Coffee is free, breakfast is a requested $6 donation toward Veteran Support activities.                                                                 

Our Post Web Site is: www.stpaulsamericanlegionpost145.org

Our Post Facebook is at: St Paul's Parish American Legion Post 145