
St. Paul's American Legion Post 145


ST. PAUL'S POST 145 Palmetto Girls and Boys STATE 

For 2022: Post 145 sponsored a deserving young man from Lowcountry Leadership Charter School to represent St. Paul's Parish at the South Carolina American Legion 2022 Boys State. Michael Lane Shearer, our selectee, conducted himself in a dignified and exemplary manner. We are proud of his success at Boys State. He plans to return to Boys State after High School graduation as a counselor.

For 2023: Post 145 sponsored two deserving young men--Marquis Hogan (Baptist Hill High School) and Aiden Bell (Lowcountry Leadership Charter School)--to represent St. Paul's Parish at the South Carolina American Legion 2022 Boys State. Post 145 also sponsoired one young lady --Kezaih Darby  (Lowcountry Leadership Charter School) to represent St. Paul's Parish at Palmetto Girls State 2023. All three of these individuals represented our community well.

For 2024: Post 145 is sponsoring one young lady to Palmetto Girls State--Sarah P. Allston (Lowcountry Leadership Charter School- LLCS)- and four young men to Palmetto Boys State--Thomas Ian Smith and Joseph Payton Bullock (both from LLCS), and Deshawn Washington Jenkins and Alexander M. Hernandez (both from Baptist Hill High School)..

The following letter was sent to both Baptist Hill High School and Lowcountry Leadership Charter School in January 2024 soliciting nominations for 2024 Boys and Girls State. Our goal was to select at least two representatives from both schools for each event.

"This letter solicits your nominations of qualified candidates from your school to attend the American Legion Boys State and the Palmetto Girls State in June 2024.

The American Legion’s Boys State and Palmetto Girls State are among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students. It is a participatory program in which students become part of the operation of a local, county and state government. While attending, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training is objective and centers on the structure of city, county and state governments. Operated by students elected to various offices, activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law-enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, choruses and recreational programs.

Attendees to Boys State are selected solely by their local American Legion post and must be rising seniors in good academic standing. There is no way for the young man to apply directly. The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors a separate but similar program for young women called Palmetto Girls State—at this time Post 145 does not have an auxilliary. However, Post 145 coordinates directly with the Palmetto Girls State Director to fund Girls State attendees from both High Schools.

St. Paul’s American Legion Post 145 believes there are rising seniors in our Parish who have demonstrated the qualities necessary to be a positive influence on others as they graduate and take their place as future community, business and political leaders. Boys State and Palmetto Girls State have proven, time and again, to have bolstered attendees’ self-confidence and enthusiasm for service.

Post 145 will sponsor two selectees to Boys State and two selectees to Palmetto Girls State from each High School--assuming allotments are available. Our selection process is simple:

  1. Lowcountry Leadership Charter School and Baptist Hill High School are asked to nominate no more than 3 candidates each for both Boys State and Palmetto Girls State.
  2. The criteria for selection are:
    1. Strong scholastic achievement;
    2. Demonstrated leadership and fair play;
    3. Strong moral character, courage and concern for others;
    4. Demonstrated citizenship;
    5. Loyalty to American democratic principles; and
    6. Must be a rising senior in good academic standing in a local school.
  3. Forward the name and contact information of your nominees, along with a single-spaced explanation of why that individual was nominated (not to exceed 2 pages in length) to the address at the top of this letter no later than 15 March 2024. The explanation should demonstrate how the nominee embodies the selection criteria identified above. Also complete the information at Attachment 1 for each candidate—we will use that information to pre-register each selectee and pay all fees and deposits immediately upon the selectee completing all required enrollment documents.
  4. The Post 145 Boys/Girls State Committee will invite each nominee and their family members to a selection review. If more convenient, this review can be conducted at the nominee’s school. This will be a 30-minute general discussion about items contained in the nomination letter. Only one nominee will be present for each session.
  5. All nominees will be contacted by letter/email as to their selection before 1 April 2024.
  6. The Post Boys State Committee will assist the selectee(s) to register and prepare the required documentation. Documentation must be completed and submitted to Boys State and Palmetto Girls State no later than 1 May 2024.

While we realize that nominating candidates may be time consuming and somewhat difficult, Post 145 members strongly believe that Boys State attendees will receive benefits that far outweigh your and our efforts to nominate and select them.

Additional detailed information about Boys State for 2023 can be found at https://palmettoboysstate.com. You may also contact me at 843-200-2279 or ldmster@comcast.net or our Community Outreach Coordinator, Bill Starnes, at 803-210-7062 or adjutant@stpaulsamericanlegionpost145.org.

James M. Phelps
St. Paul’s Post 145"